Michelago Region Community Association (MRCA) Incorporated represents our local community and is actively involved in advancing the interests of Michelago and region. We need your ideas and your energy, so please consider joining!
The subscription is a mere $10 per person or $15 per family per year. Just fill in our membership form and email to mrca@michelagoregion.org.au or drop at the store.
MRCA meetings are normally held the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm at the Railway Station – see the Meetings page for details.
MRCA Contact: email or Facebook.
- President: Kerry Rooney
- Vice President: Leanne Pattison
- Treasurer: Graeme Plath
- Secretary: Sally Hughes
General Committee
- Di Fett
- Tony De Salis
- Peter Butler
- Leah Oliver
- Leanne Thurling
- John Rooney
Public Officer: Ben Wickham, c/- Michelago General Store, 50 Ryrie St, Michelago, NSW, 2620
MRCA status
MRCA is a not-for-profit community association incorporated in New South Wales.
INC: 9884198 ABN: 69 045 806 574
MRCA recently adopted the Model Constitution developed by NSW Fair Trading. You can download the Model Constitution here.
Objectives of MRCA
MRCA’s objectives are to advocate and work
- To support better social and economic outcomes for the Michelago region, and
- For the preservation of the Michelago region’s heritage infrastructure and natural environment.
MRCA will pursue these objectives
- By working collaboratively with other groups in Michelago and the Snowy Monaro region, and
- Through open and inclusive communication.